Spare Charger for Mi Mi S17s, Wear FitPro, HW16 Smart Watch


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The Spare Charger for Mi Mi S17s, Wear FitPro, and HW16 Smart Watches. It's a handy accessory for keeping your devices powered up wherever you go. With a standard USB-A input, you can easily connect it to various power sources. The output ensures stable charging tailored to your specific smartwatch model, making it efficient and reliable.

Its small size and lightweight design make it perfect for travel or everyday use. Safety is a priority, with built-in safeguards to protect against overcharging and overheating. Made from high-quality materials, this charger is durable and long-lasting. 

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Product Type: Spare Charger
For Mi Mi S17s, Wear FitPro, HW16 Smart Watches.
Input: Standard USB-A for charging.
Output: Stable charging tailored to smartwatch models.
Portability: Compact and lightweight.
Safety: Built-in safeguards.
Durability: High-quality materials.
Ease of Use: Plug-and-play functionality.